/* Copyright 2019-2021 Sylvain Beucler Copyright 2022 Teyut Copyright 2019-2022 Tom Rothamel Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ Module = window.Module || { }; Module.preRun = Module.preRun || [ ]; (function () { /*************************************************************************** * Report messages, errors, and progress. **************************************************************************/ // The div containing the status and progress bar. let statusDiv = document.getElementById("statusDiv"); let statusTextDiv = document.getElementById("statusTextDiv"); let statusProgress = document.getElementById("statusProgress"); // The timeout before the status div hides itself. let statusTimeout = null; // The status message. let statusText = ""; // How long before the status div starts hiding, in seconds. const STATUS_TIMEOUT = 5000; // The last time the progress was updated. let lastProgressTime = 0; // Has an error been reported? let errorReported = false; // Should output only go to the console? let printConsoleOnly = false; /** * Hide the status div. Once it's hidden, clears the status text. */ function hideStatus() { if (errorReported) { return; } statusDiv.classList.remove("visible"); statusDiv.classList.add("hidden"); statusTimeout = setTimeout(() => { statusText = ""; }, 250); } /** * Show the status div. */ function showStatus() { statusDiv.classList.remove("hidden"); statusDiv.classList.add("visible"); statusTextDiv.scrollTop = statusTextDiv.scrollHeight; statusProgress.style.display = "none"; } /** * Cancels the timeout that hides the status div. */ function cancelStatusTimeout() { if (statusTimeout) { clearTimeout(statusTimeout); statusTimeout = null; } } /** * Start the timeout that hides the status div. */ function startStatusTimeout() { cancelStatusTimeout(); statusTimeout = setTimeout(hideStatus, STATUS_TIMEOUT); } function printCommon(s) { cancelStatusTimeout(); lastProgressTime = 0; if (statusText) { statusText += "
"; } if (s == "" && !errorReported) { statusText = ""; return; } for (let i of s.split("\n")) { if (i.length > 0) { console.log(i); } } if (printConsoleOnly) { return; } s = String(s); s = s.replace(/&/g, "&"); s = s.replace(//g, ">"); s = s.replace('\n', '
', 'g'); statusText += s; statusTextDiv.innerHTML = statusText; showStatus(); } /** * Reports a message that will eventually be hidden. */ function printMessage(s) { if (s.startsWith("warning: ") || s.startsWith("wasm streaming compile failed") || s.startsWith("falling back to ArrayBuffer") ) { console.log(s); return; } printCommon(s); startStatusTimeout(); } function reportError(s, e) { if (e) { console.error(e, e.stack); s += ": " + e.message; } s += "\nMore information may be available in the browser console or contained in the log."; printCommon(s); errorReported = true; try { Module.addRunDependency("error"); } catch (e) { window.stop(); } } /** * Updates the progress bar. */ function progress(done, total) { if (errorReported) { return; } let now = +Date.now(); if ((now < lastProgressTime + 32) && (done < total) && (done > 1)) { return } lastProgressTime = now; cancelStatusTimeout(); showStatus(); if (total) { statusProgress.value = done; statusProgress.max = total; statusProgress.style.display = "block"; } startStatusTimeout(); } window.progress = progress; Module.print = printMessage; Module.printErr = printMessage; /*************************************************************************** * Browser capability checks. **************************************************************************/ // Report the lack of WebAssembly support. if (typeof WebAssembly !== 'object') { reportError("This browser does not support WebAssembly."); } // Report the lack of the fetch function. if (typeof fetch !== 'function') { reportError("This browser does not support fetch."); } // Clear error when running without a server. if (location.href.startsWith('file://')) { reportError("This browser requires the game to be run from a web server (i.e. double-clicking on index.html won't work)."); } /*************************************************************************** * Emscripten initialization and termination. **************************************************************************/ /** Set up the canvas. */ let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); /** Set when the webGlContext is lost. */ window.webglContextLost = false; /** Set when the webGlContext is restored. Cleared by Ren'Py in core.py. */ window.webglContextRestored = false; canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", (e) => { window.webglContextRestored = false; window.webglContextLost = true; e.preventDefault(); }, false); canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", (e) => { window.webglContextLost = false; window.webglContextRestored = true; }, false); canvas.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (e) { window.focus() }); canvas.addEventListener('click', function (e) { window.focus() }); Module.canvas = canvas; window.presplashEnd = () => { document.getElementById('presplash').remove(); cancelStatusTimeout(); hideStatus(); }; window.atExit = () => { canvas.remove(); reportError("The game exited unexpectedly."); }; Module.onAbort = () => { canvas.remove(); reportError("The game aborted unexpectedly."); }; /** * Initialize the filesystem. */ function initFs() { // Create the save directory, and mount the IDBFS filesystem. try { Module.addRunDependency('initFs'); FS.mkdir('/home/web_user/.renpy'); FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, '/home/web_user/.renpy'); FS.syncfs(true, (err) => { if (err) { printMessage("Error syncing IDBFS: " + err); printMessage("The game may not be able to save properly."); } Module.removeRunDependency('initFs'); }); } catch (e) { reportError("Could not create ~/.renpy/", e); } } Module.preRun.push(initFs); // The size of the data and gamezip files. let dataSize = 0; let gameZipSize = 0; // The number of bytes downloaded. let dataDownloaded = 0; let gameZipDownloaded = 0; // Have we issued the data and gameZip prompts? let dataPrompt = false; let gameZipPrompt = false; function updateDownloadProgress() { if (dataSize == 0) { return; } if (dataDownloaded < dataSize || gameZipSize == 0) { if (!dataPrompt) { printMessage(""); printMessage("Downloading engine..."); dataPrompt = true; } progress(dataDownloaded, dataSize); return; } if (!gameZipPrompt) { printMessage(""); printMessage("Downloading game data..."); gameZipPrompt = true; } progress(gameZipDownloaded, gameZipSize); } Module.setStatus = function (s) { var m = s.match(/([^(]+)\((\d+(\.\d+)?)\/(\d+)\)/); if (m) { dataDownloaded = parseInt(m[2]); dataSize = parseInt(m[4]); updateDownloadProgress(); return; } console.log(s); } async function loadGameZip() { try { let response = await fetch('game.zip'); if (!response.ok) { reportError("Could not load game.zip: " + response.status + " " + response.statusText); } gameZipSize = parseInt(response.headers.get('Content-Length'), 10); if(Number.isNaN(gameZipSize)) gameZipSize = 0; let reader = await response.body.getReader(); let f = FS.open('/game.zip', 'w'); while (true) { let { done, value } = await reader.read(); if (done) { break; } FS.write(f, value, 0, value.length); gameZipDownloaded += value.length; updateDownloadProgress(); } FS.close(f); } catch (e) { reportError("Could not download game.zip", e); } } function runLoadGameZip() { Module.addRunDependency('loadGameZip'); loadGameZip().then(() => { Module.removeRunDependency('loadGameZip'); }); } Module['preRun'].push(runLoadGameZip); /*************************************************************************** * **************************************************************************/ let cmd_queue = []; let cur_cmd = undefined; let cmd_debug = false; function cmd_log(...args) { if (cmd_debug) console.debug(...args); } /** This functions is called by the wrapper script at the end of script execution. */ function cmd_callback(result) { cmd_log('cmd_callback', result); if (cur_cmd === undefined) { console.error('Unexpected command result', result); return; } try { if (result.error !== undefined) { cmd_log('ERROR', result.name, result.error, result.traceback); const e = new Error(result.error); e.name = result.name; e.traceback = result.traceback; cur_cmd.reject(e); } else { cmd_log('SUCCESS', result.data); cur_cmd.resolve(result.data); } } finally { cur_cmd = undefined; send_next_cmd(); } } window._renpy_cmd_callback = cmd_callback; /** Prepare and send the next command to be executed if any. */ function send_next_cmd() { if (cmd_queue.length == 0) return cur_cmd = cmd_queue.shift(); cmd_log('send_next_cmd', cur_cmd); // Convert script to base64 to prevent having to escape // the script content as a Python string const script_b64 = btoa(cur_cmd.py_script); const wrapper = 'import base64, emscripten, json, traceback;\n' + 'try:' + "result = None;" + "exec(base64.b64decode('" + script_b64 + "').decode('utf-8'));" + "result = json.dumps(dict(data=result));" + "\n" + "except Exception as e:" + "result = json.dumps(dict(error=str(e), name=e.__class__.__name__, traceback=traceback.format_exc()));" + "\n" + "emscripten.run_script('_renpy_cmd_callback(%s)' % (result,));"; cmd_log(wrapper); // Write script to the global variable Ren'Py is monitoring window._renpy_cmd = wrapper; } /** Add a command to the queue and execute it if the queue was empty. */ function add_cmd(py_script, resolve, reject) { const cmd = { py_script: py_script, resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; cmd_log('add_cmd', cmd); cmd_queue.push(cmd); if (cur_cmd === undefined) send_next_cmd(); } /* Global definitions */ /** Execute Python statements in Ren'Py Python's thread. The statements are executed * using the renpy.python.py_exec() function, and the value of the "result" variable * is passed to the resolve callback. In case of error, an Error instance is passed * to the reject callback, with an extra "traceback" property. * @param py_script The Python script to execute. * @return A promise which resolves with the statements result. */ renpy_exec = function (py_script) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { add_cmd(py_script, resolve, reject); }); }; window.renpy_exec = renpy_exec; /** Helper function to get the value of a Ren'Py variable. * @param name The variable name (e.g., "build.name"). * @return A promise which resolves with the variable value. */ renpy_get = function (name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { renpy_exec('result = ' + name) .then(resolve).catch(reject); }); }; window.renpy_get = renpy_get; /** Helper function to set the value of a Ren'Py variable. * @param name The variable name (e.g., "build.name"). * @param value The value to set. It should either be a basic JS type that * will be converted to JSON, or a Python expression. The raw * parameter must be set to true for the latter case. * @param raw (optional) If true, value is a valid Python expression. * Otherwise, it must be a basic JS type. * @return A promise which resolves with true in case of success * and fails otherwise. */ renpy_set = function (name, value, raw) { let script; if (raw) { script = name + " = " + value + "; result = True"; } else { // Using base64 as it is unclear if we can use the output // of JSON.stringify() directly as a Python string script = 'import base64, json; ' + name + " = json.loads(base64.b64decode('" + btoa(JSON.stringify(value)) + "').decode('utf-8')); result = True"; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { renpy_exec(script) .then(resolve).catch(reject); }); }; window.renpy_set = renpy_set; /*************************************************************************** * Context menu. **************************************************************************/ const menu = document.getElementById('ContextMenu'); const contextContainer = document.getElementById('ContextContainer'); document.getElementById('ContextButton').addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (menu.style.display == 'none') { menu.style.display = 'block'; contextContainer.classList.add("shown"); } else { menu.style.display = 'none'; contextContainer.classList.remove("shown"); } e.preventDefault(); }); menu.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (e.target.tagName == 'A') { // Close context menu when a menu item is selected menu.style.display = 'none'; } }); async function onSavegamesImport(input) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { FS.writeFile('savegames.zip', new Uint8Array(e.target.result)); renpy_exec('result = renpy.savelocation.unzip_saves()').then((result) => { FS.syncfs(false, function (err) { if (err) { console.trace(); console.log(err, err.message); printMessage("Warning: cannot import savegames: write error: " + err.message ); } else { renpy_exec('renpy.loadsave.location.scan()').then(result => { printMessage("Saves imported successfully."); }).catch(error => { console.error('Cannot rescan saves folder:', error); printMessage("Saves imported - restart game to apply."); }); } }); }).catch(error => { console.error('Cannot import savegames', error); printMessage("Couldn't import the savegames: " + error.message); }) } reader.readAsArrayBuffer(input.files[0]) input.type = ''; input.type = 'file'; // reset field } window.onSavegamesImport = onSavegamesImport; function onSavegamesExport() { renpy_exec('result = renpy.savelocation.zip_saves()').then((ret) => { if (ret) { FSDownload('savegames.zip', 'application/zip'); printMessage("Saves exported successfully.\n"); } }); } window.onSavegamesExport = onSavegamesExport; function FSDownload(filename, mimetype) { console.log('download', filename); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.download = filename.replace(/.*\//, ''); try { a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([FS.readFile(filename)], { type: mimetype || '' })); } catch (e) { Module.print("Error opening " + filename + "\n"); return; } document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); // delay clean-up to avoid iOS issue: // The operation couldn’t be completed. (WebKitBlobResource error 1.) setTimeout(function () { window.URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href); document.body.removeChild(a); }, 1000); } window.FSDownload = FSDownload; /*************************************************************************** * Precaching. **************************************************************************/ function loadCache() { try { navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(["loadCache"]); } catch (e) { // pass } async function loadCacheWorker() { let response = await fetch("pwa_catalog.json"); let catalog = await response.json(); let cachedCatalog; try { let cachedCatalogResponse = await fetch("pwa_catalog.json?cached") cachedCatalog = await cachedCatalogResponse.json(); } catch (e) { console.log("No cached catalog found."); cachedCatalog = { version: -1 }; } if (cachedCatalog.version == catalog.version) { return; } printMessage(""); printMessage("Preloading game files into browser cache...") progress(0, catalog.files.length); for (let i = 0; i < catalog.files.length; i++) { let response = await fetch(catalog.files[i]); await response.blob(); progress(i + 1, catalog.files.length); } cancelStatusTimeout(); hideStatus(); // This will add the catalog to the cache, such that // fetch("pwa_catalog.json?cached") will return it. fetch("pwa_catalog.json?uncached"); } loadCacheWorker(); } window.loadCache = loadCache; function clearCache() { try { navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(["clearCache"]); } catch (e) { // pass } localStorage.cacheVersion = -1; } window.clearCache = clearCache; /*************************************************************************** * Text input. **************************************************************************/ const inputDiv = document.getElementById("inputDiv"); const inputForm = document.getElementById("inputForm"); const inputPrompt = document.getElementById("inputPrompt"); const inputText = document.getElementById("inputText"); // This stores the input after enter is pressed. window.inputResult = null; function submitInput(e) { e.preventDefault(); window.inputResult = inputText.value; } inputForm.addEventListener("submit", submitInput); inputDiv.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("mouseup", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("touchend", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("touchcancel", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); inputDiv.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); let inputAllow = null; let inputExclude = null; inputText.addEventListener("input", (e) => { let newValue = ""; for (let c of inputText.value) { if (inputAllow && !inputAllow.includes(c)) { continue; } if (inputExclude && inputExclude.includes(c)) { continue; } newValue += c; } if (newValue != inputText.value) { let end = inputText.selectionEnd; inputText.value = newValue; inputText.setSelectionRange(end-1, end-1); } }); function startInput(prompt, value, allow, exclude, mask) { window.inputResult = null; inputDiv.classList.remove("hidden"); inputDiv.classList.add("visible"); while (inputPrompt.firstChild) { inputPrompt.removeChild(inputPrompt.firstChild); } let promptText = document.createTextNode(prompt); inputPrompt.appendChild(promptText); inputText.value = value; inputText.focus(); inputAllow = allow; inputExclude = exclude; if (mask) { inputText.type = "password"; } else { inputText.type = "text"; } } window.startInput = startInput; function endInput() { inputDiv.classList.remove("visible"); inputDiv.classList.add("hidden"); } window.endInput = endInput; /*************************************************************************** * Fetch. ***************************************************************************/ let fetchId = 1; let fetchResult = { }; /** * Fetch a file from the server. * * @param method The HTTP method to use. * @param url The URL to fetch. * @param inFile The file to send to the server. A string giving the file name, or null for no file. * @param outFile The file to write the response to. A string giving the file name, or null for no file. * * @return A string giving the result of the fetch. The first word is the status, which is one of "OK", "ERROR", or "PENDING", followed by the HTTP status code and status text. */ function fetchFile(method, url, inFile, outFile) { let id = fetchId++; fetchResult[id] = "PENDING Fetch in progress."; async function fetchFileWork() { try { let content = '' let options = { method: method }; if (inFile) { options.body = FS.readFile(inFile, { encoding: 'binary' }); } let response = await fetch(url, options); if (response.ok) { if (outFile) { let ab = await response.arrayBuffer(); FS.writeFile(outFile, new Uint8Array(ab)); } fetchResult[id] = "OK " + response.status + " " + response.statusText; } else{ fetchResult[id] = "ERROR " + response.status + " " + response.statusText; } } catch (err) { fetchResult[id] = "ERROR " + err; console.error(err); } } fetchFileWork(); return id; } function fetchFileResult(id) { let result = fetchResult[id]; if (! result.startsWith("PENDING")) { delete fetchResult[id]; } return result || "ERROR Fetch ID not found."; } window.fetchFile = fetchFile; window.fetchFileResult = fetchFileResult; /*************************************************************************** * "Hidden" developer functions. **************************************************************************/ function downloadBytecode() { FSDownload('/game/cache/bytecode-311.rpyb', 'application/octet-stream'); } window.downloadBytecode = downloadBytecode; function traceSleep() { printConsoleOnly = true; renpy_exec('import emscripten; emscripten.TRACE = True') } window.traceSleep = traceSleep; function loseContext() { let e = canvas.getContext("webgl2").getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context"); e.loseContext(); setTimeout(function () { e.restoreContext(); }, 1000); } window.loseContext = loseContext; Module.preRun.push(() => { // Replace doRequestFullscreen() and JSEvents_requestFullscreen() with our own // implementations to switch to fullscreen faster. window.doRequestFullscreen = function(target, strategy) { if (!JSEvents.fullscreenEnabled()) return -1; target = findEventTarget(target); if (!target) return -4; if (!target.requestFullscreen && !target.webkitRequestFullscreen) { return -3 } var canPerformRequests = JSEvents.canPerformEventHandlerRequests(); if (navigator.userActivation && navigator.userActivation.isActive) { // Use transient activation status for browsers that support it canPerformRequests = true; } if (!canPerformRequests) { if (strategy.deferUntilInEventHandler) { if (target.requestFullscreen) { // Try requesting fullscreen mode now and only defer if the Promise fails JSEvents_requestFullscreen(target, strategy, true); return 1 } JSEvents.deferCall(JSEvents_requestFullscreen, 1, [target, strategy]); return 1 } return -2 } return JSEvents_requestFullscreen(target, strategy) }; window.JSEvents_requestFullscreen = function(target, strategy, retry) { if ((strategy.scaleMode != 0 || strategy.canvasResolutionScaleMode != 0) && retry !== 0) { JSEvents_resizeCanvasForFullscreen(target, strategy) } if (target.requestFullscreen) { target.requestFullscreen() .catch(() => { if (retry) { // Defer to next input event // (retry is set to 0 to prevent resizing the canvas again as this // erases the old canvas size with the fullscreen size) JSEvents.deferCall(JSEvents_requestFullscreen, 1, [target, strategy, 0]); } }); } else if (target.webkitRequestFullscreen) { // No result returned from webkitRequestFullscreen() (old and deprecated API) target.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT) } else { return JSEvents.fullscreenEnabled() ? -3 : -1 } currentFullscreenStrategy = strategy; if (strategy.canvasResizedCallback) { (function(a1, a2, a3) { return dynCall_iiii.apply(null, [strategy.canvasResizedCallback, a1, a2, a3]) } )(37, 0, strategy.canvasResizedCallbackUserData) } return 0 }; }); })();